Houses/Flats Available
Houses and flats currently available are listed here and in local publications both on-line and in print, plus some national sites.
If you are on benefits, please see the notes [here].
For information regarding the deposit required, please see [here].
For information regarding the Council Deposit Bond, please see [here].
It should be noted that unlike some companies MJS Property do not charge tenants a commission or service charge.
For the latest availabilities, see below.
- Properties will only be let to families consisting of at least one parent and their immediate children and will not be let to a group of 'friends', siblings or any other combination of family members other than those mentioned above. The only exceptions will apply to serving armed forces or police:
- Two couples where at least one member of each couple is serving.
- Friends all serving in the armed forces.
- A deposit will be required on all houses. The amount will depend on job security and will be a minimum of one and a half months rent. A council bond may be used to cover some or all of the deposit.
- Depending on age and employment stability a guarantor may be required. Aged 25 or under will always require a guarantor. A guarantor must not be living in the house and must be able to prove they are a home owner or have suffucient savings to cover nine months rent.
- Access to the house will be given upon signing a contract AND receipt of deposit AND receipt of rent from the start date to the end of the month in which the contract starts. If the tenant is to move in less than 10 days before the end of the month, the following months rent is also to be paid.
- People on benefits will be considered, though the deposit tends to be higher because of the way the laws of this county work. Typically three to six months deposit will be required - this can be partially made up with a council bond. Also needed will be a home owner and/or working and financially stable guarantor who will make all payments (then you pay them).This is typically a parent. Further details [here].
- A reference will be needed, this will have to be for at least six months in another property. The landlord of the other property much be available by phone, email and an address must be supplied.